The West Parley Parish Plan has now been distributed to all households. Based on a residents Survey and wide consultation, this represents the wishes of the community for future developement and action.
16 Dec 2011 Support for new Community Groups
free to hire for new groups
West Parley Parish Council is getting in the community spirit! Funding is available for new Community Groups to hire one of our Halls for meetings. The Parish Council wants to encourage people to start new groups and use our excellent facilities.
5 Dec 2011 Crowded Meeting at the Memorial Hall, Friday 2 December
packed out at the Memorial Hall
150 residents pack the Memorial Hall for the Launch of the Parish Plan and an update on the green field housing plan options. The Parish Plan was launched by Steering Group Chairman Cllr John Cullen. It has now been distributed to all houses and is receiving a favourable reception. Cllr Cullen briefed the meeting on the main points of the Plan, emphasising that it was the production of the residents as a whole. Many had taken part in the work, and 1000 residents had sent in the detailed survey form on which the Parish Plan is based.
It gives a vision of the kind of West Parley we want in 5 to 10 years time. The action points will be followed up by the Plan's steering group and by the Parish Council.
It is hoped to put the whole Parish Plan on line here shortly.
Parish Council Chairman Richard Heaslip then informed the meeting of the dates and procedures that will be adopted by the District Council for their decisions, and subsequent consultation, on the housing sites and plans that were last published as Options in September 2010. It is expected that the EDDCs Policy & Resources Committee will publish the new and updated plans at a meeting in the Barrington Centre on February 1st and that the combined Christchurch/EDDC Councils will decide on these plans a month later. This will be followed by a major consultation.
30 Nov 2011 New teenage nightclub in Ferndown
Bar Frantic, the new teenage nightclub has been launched in Ferndown at the Barrington Centre. Offering young people of the area something very different to do on a Sunday evening, it targets young people between 13 and 18 years of age with a non-alcoholic bar. Evenings will include karaoke, disco, dance, Zumba and a Nintendo Wii plus a lot more in the weeks to come.
Each week there will be a different theme. Entry is free so all you have to do is pay for your own drinks.
If you are interested in being on the working group who put these evenings together or have other questions please contact Alan Ball or Chantelle Day at the Ferndown Youth Office on 01202 874448 article from the Stour and Avon Magazine
30 Nov 2011 New Rotary Club starts up in West Parley
Parley is well on its way to having its own Rotary Club. Its 30th member has signed on and a further 10 are expected to come on board before the club officially goes live on 2nd February next year.
Heading up the recruitment drive, Ian Pounds said: "The response from the local business community has been fantastic. Plans are already weel advanced for a number of social and fund raising events, not least escorting Father Christmas on his meet the kids tour of Parley in a few weeks time!"
Preparatory meetings have been underway since early October. The interim club meets on Thursday evenings at the West Parley Sports and Social Club at Stocks Lane - off Christchurch Road. Anyone interested in joining can ring Ian Pounds on 01202 895992 article from the Stour and Avon Magazine
27 Nov 2011 New road signs
"Welcome to West Parley" signs on New Road North and South, and Christchurch Road East and West
see pictures. . new road sign . . old road sign
22 Nov 2011 Dorset Fire and Rescue - Budget Cuts - Residents Survey
18 Nov 2011 Important Public Meeting - 7.30pm Friday 2 December at the Memorial Hall
more of this?
Learn what's happening about housing estates in the Green Belt.
When and how will the District Council decide?
What can we do?
What can you do?
Have your say on this major issue.
9 Nov 2011 Parish Council honours volunteers at 28 October reception
Chris Chope MP and Marianne Parker
West Parley Parish Council recently held a reception in the Memorial Hall to honour the volunteers who work tirelessly in the village on behalf of all residents. The Council is very proud to have approximately 100 volunteers who assist in improving the appearance of our village by doing a variety of tasks and we are very pleased to have this opportunity to pay tribute to their efforts. The reception was attended by over 50 of the volunteers, by all Parish Councillors and both District Councillors. The main guest was Mr Christopher Chope MP who presented awards to the Volunteers of the Year:
Working Party - Frank Trollope
Watering - Jon Ladd
Delivery of Leaflets - Marianne Parker
Litter Picking - Lorna-Jean Heaslip
Emptying Litter Bins - Andy Steele and Diana Penwill
Working Party - Our working parties meet on Tuesday and Thursday on alternate weeks
and on Wednesday on the intervening week. Up to 6 men in each session
Over last two years we have cleared all pavements of weeds and overgrown
verges, Churchyard, Memorial Hall garden, Millenium Garden, worked on Floral
display , planted daffodils in Verges, repaired verges.
Frank Trollope
Frank Trollope is a most regular attendee at the Working Party and has worked with us for 5 years. Frank also does the watering of floral display very conscientiously
Watering - 8 teams of 2 men and women form a rota for the watering of the 11 troughs of
plants on the railings at Parley Cross.
Jon Ladd
Jon Ladd has been a most conscientious member of the watering team for more than 3 years.
Preparation and Delivery of Leaflets - For about 5 years we have relied on a team of up to 70 volunteers who have prepared leaflets or letters by addressing envelopes, counting out batches for delivery and then delivered to 1600 homes in West Parley on numerous occasions.
Marianne Parker
Marianne Parker has on all occasions prepared/addressed 500+ leaflets and then delivered up to 100. Marianne is also a member of the Watering team
Litter Picking - We also have a large team of volunteers who regularly patrol the streets,
particularly the main roads in West Parley, and pick up the litter dropped by
passers by.
Lorna-Jean Heaslip
Lorna-Jean Heaslip is one of the most regular litter collectors of our group, and a very willing helper at events - making tea etc at meetings
Emptying Litter Bins - Recreation Ground - Up to this year the WPPC paid someone to empty the litter bins in the Recreation ground every week. Now this work is done by volunteers. Andy Steele and Diana Penwill volunteered to do this for us and they also play a regular part as members of the Litter Squad, Deliver leaflets to residents and are former members of the watering team.