New plans have been produced for the site of the former Dormy Hotel in Ferndown. The main amendments to the scheme are as follows:
The Care Home has been reduced in footprint by about a third and now has a basement.
The EMI block has been reduced in height from 4 storey to 2.5 storeys with basement.
The Sheltered block has been moved further from the side boundary and from trees to its rear and reduced in bulk and height.
The Hotel has been reduced to 74 Bed hotel. The 4th storey wing at the rear reduced to 3 storey and two towers reduced to 3 storeys.
Minor changes to the houses, several dormer windows removed to reduce bulk and layout adjusted to improved landscape and access.
The main changes are shown on the layout plan. The floor plans and elevations of the Care Home, Sheltered Block, EMI block, Hotel and Houses show the changes to each. For information the number of bedrooms in each block are written on each floor plan. There is a copy of this at Planning Reception with the plans to assist the public.
Dorset Waste Partnerships announces that all East Dorset residents can now use Millhams Community Recycling Centre(tip) by showing their council tax bill from East Dorset. This ends the existing voucher scheme. Please let your friends and neighbours know!
6 May 2011 Parish Council Election - 5 May 2011 - New Council Elected.
The previous Council understandably disappointed not to be returned but congratulate their successors and wish them well.
23 April 2011 Brand new Play Area achieved
Brand new Play Area achieved - despite losing Government Funding. West Parley Parish Council were originally allocated £35,000 from the Government Playbuilder Scheme. The present government having decided that Playbuilder Grants would no longer be 'ring-fenced' for that sole purpose, Dorset County Council have used the Grant to support other Childrens Services.
A great new facility for West Parley
Despite this disappointment, the Parish Council have managed to produce a very satisfactory (though less ambitious) Play Area from its own funds. The natural looking, ecologically-themed attraction was designed and constructed by Matt Reeks of East Dorset Countryside Management Services and Simon Clarke of Simon Clarke Fencing, and is now fully open.
The many compliments we have received from the users of this Play Area, make us justifiably pleased and proud of our legacy. An Official Opening has been arranged for a future date. Do please visit and let us have your feedback.
28th March 2011 West Parley Memorial Hall
Upgrading Program off to a good start, new double glazing installed throughout. The Chairman, Secretary and Management Committee are to be congratulated on achieving the first stage of their ongoing program of improvements to the building.
The Chairman, Shaun Webb, who has recently worked extremely hard in obtaining funding for improving this independantly managed hall is, unfortunately, now quite seriously ill in hospital. Everybody will wish Shaun a speedy and complete recovery.