
8 Aug 2011
EDDC car park survey - Have Your Say and Win £50

Residents, businesses and visitors to East Dorset are being given the opportunity to express their views on car parking in the area. East Dorset District Council is undertaking a survey to review the needs of motorists who use the Council's car parks.

The survey will assist the council in making future decisions about the car parking service. This will help ensure that best value is provided for car park users and to council tax payers in general. To have your say, and to claim your chance of winning £50 in our entrants' free prize draw, please take a few minutes to complete the online survey by visiting

Alternatively you can fill in a copy of the survey by visiting the reception area at the Council Offices, Furzehill, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 4HN. Please submit your completed questionnaire by 31 August 2011.

21 July 2011
Open Day success in West Parley

A huge turnout to see the Draft Parish Plan
Organisers of the West Parley Parish Plan were very pleased with the level of interest shown in the draft Parish Plan that was shown to Residents in an Open Day on Tuesday. About 500 residents took time to see and comment on what the draft of the Plan said about the village.

looking at the draft parish plan
lots of interest in the Draft Parish Plan

The Plan covers a number of subjects, including roads, housing, the environment and community facilities. It is intended to sum up how residents see the future of West Parley so that Parish, District and County Council policies can be guided by local views.

A number of local clubs and groups showed what they do and signed up new members. Residents also volunteered to join the village's bi-weekly clean up teams and become Neighbourhood Watch contacts.

Parish Plan Steering Group Chairman John Cullen says "This was a great opportunity for everyone to have their final say about the place they live in. Our Plan Survey results show that residents have a strong sense of identity here and want to be involved. It was brilliant that so many of them came along and were interested in what the village can offer and how they can join in."

Richard Heaslip, Chairman of West Parley Parish Council, says "The Open Day exceeded our expectations and residents turned out in droves. There is a growing sense of community in West Parley and more and more people are getting involved."

The feedback gained at the Open Day will be looked at and the Plan refined before being printed in the Autumn. The Parish Council has already noted the recommendations in the Plan and is working on delivering what Residents say they want.

Contact John Cullen, Virginia Cottage, Barrack Road, West Parley
Tel: 582662 email John Cullen -

21 July 2011
Have your say on the strategy for quarrying

Dorset councils are inviting your comments on the future strategy for quarrying of sand and gravel, building stone and other minerals.

the mineral core strategy

We tend to take minerals for granted � yet they play an essential role in our lives. Materials sourced from quarries are around us every moment of every day. A new house for example requires about 60 tonnes of sand and gravel to build.

The Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole Minerals Core Strategy aims to ensure the supply of minerals in environmentally acceptable ways.

Sand and gravel is currently extracted within the Christchurch borough area and the strategy defines this resource, excluding major constraints, from which future quarry sites will be found.

The Minerals Core Strategy also includes the approach for dealing with other minerals, policies to manage quarry development and restoration and the criteria that will be used for future site selection.

You can comment on the strategy for minerals extraction in Dorset from 15 July to 9 September 2011.

For further information go to or call Dorset County Council's minerals and waste planning team on (01305) 228571.

2 July 2011
Open Day for the Draft Parish Plan

Residents in West Parley have had their say about what they would like the village to look like in the future. Last year a large number of residents completed a survey about the village and made comments on a wide number of subjects, including roads, housing, the environment and community facilities. These comments have been written up into a Parish Plan and residents now have the chance to see the draft plan at an Open Day so they can make comments before it is printed.

The Open Day is to be held on 19th July from 4 to 8pm at the West Parley Memorial Hall on Christchurch Road.

The Parish Plan Steering Group Chairman John Cullen says "This is a great opportunity for everyone to have their final say about the place they live in and how they wish to see it develop over time. We hope everyone will try to drop in to see what has been done so far. We have invited local clubs and societies to be there as well." Richard Heaslip, Chair of West Parley Parish Council says "We have had an excellent response to the survey and know residents are very interested in what happens here, especially on the plans for new housing."

Contact John Cullen, Virginia Cottage, Barrack Road, West Parley
Tel: 582662 email:

26 June 2011
Parley Cross traffic lights repaired

traffic lights

On or about 15 June one of the Parley Cross traffic lights was struck by a vehicle, causing the pole to lean over and the light sequences to be interfered with. The immediate result was long traffic build ups from Longham and from the airport.
Residents quickly got in touch with the Parish Council - we talked to our County Councillor -the Dorset Highways Dept was informed, and the sequencing problem dealt with immediately - they can do this remotely, it appears.
On Sunday 26 June DCC/Siemens repaired the damaged traffic light pole - they did it from 3am to 8am so that weekend traffic would not be disturbed.
The system works - good job by DCC.

21 June 2011
Government considers new Parish Council powers

The Government is about to circulate a White Paper on public service delivery, giving people more choice in several areas and devolving some powers downwards. One of the changes is said to be giving powers to Parish Councils to take control of local parks, playing fields, and parking and traffic restrictions. Bearing in mind the views expressed by West Parley residents in the Parish Plan Survey, this could be quite useful. It will take a year or more to play out, and we shall watch this space.